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A Esquina do Desencontro

Histórias de Desencontros Ficcionais (ou Não) na Esquina da Vida

A Fábula do Desacerto

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

O viajante ainda olhou para trás, mas já nada viu. O espaço preenchido anteriormente, com as almas vidradas pela magia do sonho desprovido de sentido partiram, afinal. Quando tudo começou, ninguém pensava na verdade das coisas, no sentimento alienado, no profuso desprendimento do coração. O que o viajante viu, foi um povo perdido nas suas estranhas lendas, fechado e recluso de si próprio. Trouxera-lhes alguma alegria, por alguns dias, dias felizes, achava ele. Se calhar, apenas o terão sido para o viajante, cuja percepção limitada daqueles momentos era claramente confusa e condicionada, e o povo com as almas vidradas terá apenas embalado a sua canção de vivência esquiva no cenário teatral e fantasioso do viajante. O desacerto começou logo ali, depois da primeira conversa. O pranto da jovem era frustrante e o viajante não compreendeu as razões escondidas. Tudo é, em pontuais suspensos momentos, equívoco e desvio incompreensível. O viajante fechou os olhos e esforçou-se por tudo relembrar, de novo, mas já não conseguia. O espírito guia do povo com as almas vidradas tudo apagara da sua memória. A crença de que o viajante enfeitiçava com fábulas despropositadas as mentes moldáveis dos mais jovens, assustava o espírito guia. E, assim o era. As fábulas recriadas pela vívida imaginação do viajante pautavam pela criatividade extremada, enviesando pensamentos, lógicas, tradições e costumes. Afinal o desacerto em si mesmo, já é uma pretensa fábula, porque a narrativa incide sobre um hipotético conceito inanimado. Na realidade, tempos mais tarde, o viajante descobriu que o povo com as almas vidradas era descendente dos felinos esquecidos pelos homens, algures, numa qualquer montanha, e réstia de uma outra lenda. O viajante voltou a olhar para trás e, desta vez, viu. O espírito guia assim o deixou. Findo o desacerto, o viajante foi autorizado a ver a jovem em pranto a sorrir, a ver o povo com as almas vidradas alegre, vivo e próspero. E isto descansou o viajante. Fechou, uma última vez, os olhos e partiu em paz. Não há moral implícita neste recurso a fábula, que de fábula pouco tem. Apenas a consciência de que o desacerto é sempre temporário e de que tudo, a seu tempo, com paciência, se acerta, de novo.

The AI Skills You Should Be Building Now

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

Generative artificial intelligence is here to stay, and that means employees and managers need to think even more carefully about how to make the most effective use of it. Accenture’s H. James Wilson, global managing director of technology research and thought leadership, and Paul R. Daugherty, chief technology and innovation officer, argue that we all need to build what they call “fusion skills.” They include intelligent interrogation (using research-backed prompting techniques to deliver better results), judgment integration (ensuring there is a human in the loop when necessary), and reciprocal apprenticing (training ChatGPT, Claude, Co-pilot or proprietary tools to improve while we get better at working with them). 

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How Many Died in 9/11? A Look at The Tragic Attack 23 Years Ago

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

by Clare Mulroy

This Sept. 11 marks 23 years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, an event that respondents increasingly say impacted American lives forever, a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll found.

On the morning of Sept. 11, United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 departed from Boston en route to California before hijackers crashed them into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, while passengers attempted to overtake United Airlines Flight 93 from hijackers before it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

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Remember the Sky (9/11)

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

Take part in our annual social media campaign and commemorate with us from anywhere in the world on September 11.

Each year as we commemorate the anniversary of the day that changed our world forever, we ask you to join us as we Remember the Sky. Simply post a photo of the sky wherever in the world you are on September 11, 2024 — regardless of the weather. Then, share it on Instagram or the social media platform of your choice with a caption, tag us, and include the hashtags #neverforget911 and #rememberthesky

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What Makes Europe So Liveable?

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

Every year the EIU, our sister company, ranks a big group of global cities on their liveability. This year’s rankings have seen quite a bit of movement. But the top of the index remains dominated by the continent that best combines stability with a high quality of culture and the environment, education, infrastructure and health care, all of which the index’s authors aim to measure objectively. When the scores are done, Europe can take another bow.

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Takeaways From the ABC Presidential Debate Between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

by  and , CNN

PhiladelphiaCNN — Kamala Harris baited Donald Trump for nearly all of the 1 hour and 45 minutes of their first and potentially only debate on Tuesday night – and Trump took every bit of it.

The vice president had prepared extensively for their debate, and peppered nearly every answer with a comment designed to enrage the former president. She told Trump that world leaders were laughing at him, and military leaders called him a “disgrace.” She called Trump “weak” and “wrong.” She said Trump was fired by 81 million voters – the number that voted for President Joe Biden in 2020.

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A Long-Lost Moon Could Explain Mars' Weird Shape and Extreme Terrain

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

by Paul Sutter

Unlike the other planets in the solar system, Mars is distinctly triaxial, meaning it is an ellipsoid with different sizes along all three axes.

A long-lost moon could explain why Mars is so different from the other rocky planets in the solar system.

Today, Mars has two tiny moons. But early in its history, the Red Planet may have had a much larger moon, which might be responsible for Mars' weird shape and extreme terrain, Michael Efroimsky, an astronomer at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., proposes in a paper that has been submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets and is available as a preprint via arXiv.

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Why The SpaceX Starship Launch Pad Matters

11.09.24 | Cuca Margoux

by Doug Adler

Lessons learned in building a rocket’s foundation will help new generations of spacecraft blast skyward.

Rockets get all the glory and all the glamour. It’s just a fact. They’re tall, gleaming objects. They lift off from Earth standing atop columns of flame and generate thundering noise while they carry people and machines to the most distant reaches of outer space. It’s no wonder we love them.

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