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- Portishead - Glory Box -
Scientists have tested in animals a vaccine that may protect against 20 strains of influenza, helping to prevent another pandemic.
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The drug from Eisai and Biogen slowed cognitive decline in study volunteers, but many had brain bleeds, swelling or other side effects.
Researchers released new details from a study of a closely watched drug for Alzheimer’s disease on Tuesday, shedding more light on the drug’s risks and benefits as U.S. health regulators weigh approving it.
Eisai Co. and Biogen Inc.’s drug, called lecanemab, slowed cognitive decline by 27% compared with a placebo over 18 months in a study of more than 1,700 people with early-stage Alzheimer’s, researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday.
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Sentiment picks up after immediate threat of power blackouts recedes.
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Jiang Zemin, China’s former president, died at the age of 96. Mr Jiang became leader of the Chinese Communist Party in 1989, in the aftermath of the massacre around Tiananmen Square. He served until 2002, overseeing China’s opening up to the West and the handover of Hong Kong from British to Chinese rule. The news of Mr Jiang’s death, from leukaemia, was announced by state media after days of protests against covid lockdowns that have rocked several major cities.
China’s authorities promised to combat “hostile forces”, whom they blame for stoking countrywide demonstrations against the country’s stringent anti-covid measures. University students, among the most vocal protesters, have been sent home from campuses and police have flooded the streets in order to prevent further dissent. Even so, clashes between demonstrators and police were reported in Guangzhou on Tuesday night.
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A key component of what will be the world's largest nuclear fusion experiment has been manufactured in China, marking a breakthrough in an international project that's edging ever closer to completion.
The fusion reactor in question, known as ITER (Latin for "the way"), is under construction in France and will significantly outsize the largest experimental fusion reactors currently in operation—the Joint European Torus (JET) in the U.K. and the joint European–Japanese JT-60SA in Japan—weighing around 23,000 tonnes, while standing nearly 30 meters tall, once completed.
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Com o ano novo a chegar, as consultoras de recursos humanos começam a olhar para o mercado de trabalho para retirar aquelas que serão as principais tendências em 2023, em cada um dos setores de atividade. Mas, independentemente das características de cada indústria, o aumento da digitalização dos negócios, a mobilidade, os novos métodos de trabalho, as novas funções, bem como a corrida por talentos, assumem-se como fatores transversais a qualquer setor.
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A empresa tem centros em Tomar, Viseu, Fundão, Portalegre e Vila Real e tudo aponta que a escolha volte a recair no centro do país.
A IBM Portugal vai abrir mais um centro tecnológico no país em 2023. Será o sexto que a empresa abre em Portugal e está previsto entrar em funcionamento menos de seis meses depois da abertura de um em Vila Real, avança ao Jornal de Negócios (acesso pago) o presidente da filial norte-americana em Portugal.
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Os riscos para a estabilidade financeira aumentaram e o Podcast do Banco de Portugal, o BdP Podcast esteve a conversar com Ana Cristina Leal, Diretora do Departamento de Estabilidade Financeira, e Ricardo Martinho, coordenador da unidade que avalia as vulnerabilidades associadas às famílias e às empresas, para perceber as razões que explicam este aumento.
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Aquando de um voo, solicita-se, antes mesmo do início da viagem, que os passageiros garantam que os telemóveis estão desligados ou no “modo avião”. Depois de alguns anos, a União Europeia (UE) decidiu que vai acabar com esta exigência.
A decisão foi tomada no passado dia 26 de novembro.
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