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What Is Your Crisis Quotient?

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

A new metric can help identify potential leaders who have what it takes to thrive in times of disruption.

The 20th century gave us an enduring two-part shorthand for describing the intellectual horsepower and emotional skills needed to work effectively with people: first, there was IQ, which is a measure of intelligence, introduced in 1912, then 78 years later, in 1990, came EQ, which tracks how well people perceive and understand emotions. The 21st century has already made it clear that endless disruption, constant crises, and heightened ambiguity and complexity are going to be the norm. And so it seems we need to add another Q to help identify the skills that allow some people to thrive in these kinds of conditions.

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When the Real Problem Isn’t the Obvious One

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

Today’s leaders can learn a crucial lesson from Theodore Roosevelt’s approach to building the Panama Canal.

How do you know if you have identified the real challenge facing your business? And, once you identify that challenge, how do you know that you are solving it correctly? Answering both those questions requires not only a willingness to innovate but also the humility to change direction. This is the salutary lesson to be drawn from one of the biggest engineering feats of the 20th century, and it can help executives and leaders today understand the need to question their strategies and better evaluate their chances of success.

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The Many Faces of Empowerment

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

Although National Donut Day may be a very close second, International Women’s Day holds a special place in my heart. It’s a rare 24 hours when women are praised for their ambition and determination, and are empowered to reach even further in the coming year. Sadly, this praise is not as commonplace as it should be in the 21st century. Women around the world are banned from going to school, paid less for their work, period-shamed and generally considered less capable, all because of one chromosomal difference.

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Imperfect AI Is To Be Expected

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

A panel of experts discussed the future of AI in technology and health care, as well as ethical concerns about the technology, during Johns Hopkins Congressional Briefing Series.

The problem with artificial intelligence is that everybody thinks it should do everything perfectly right out of the box, according to Rama Chellappa, an expert in computer vision and machine learning.

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NASA Will Inspire World When It Returns Mars Samples to Earth in 2033

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

NASA has finished the system requirements review for its Mars Sample Return Program, which is nearing completion of the conceptual design phase. During this phase, the program team evaluated and refined the architecture to return the scientifically selected samples, which are currently in the collection process by NASA’s Perseverance rover in the Red Planet’s Jezero Crater.

The architecture for the campaign, which includes contributions from the European Space Agency (ESA), is expected to reduce the complexity of future missions and increase probability of success.

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Mais Perto da Estagflação? Economia Contrai, Inflação Acelera

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

A economia portuguesa recuou no segundo trimestre do ano, em comparação com os três meses anteriores. Sexta-feira também ficámos a saber que os preços avançaram a um ritmo ainda mais rápido em julho, renovando máximos de 30 anos.

Economia a contrair, inflação a acelerar e desemprego estabilizado. Foi uma manhã intensa em publicação de indicadores económicos, que parecem sugerir que Portugal e a Europa estão mais próximas daquilo a que se chama “estagflação”. No entanto, os números mostram também alguns desenvolvimentos mais promissores.

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O Que Deixa, Afinal, Esta Geração Com Stresse?

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

Segurança financeira, o futuro das reformas e as alterações climáticas são as grandes preocupações atuais dos jovens portugueses, que passam um verdadeiro “atestado de óbito” ao conceito de emprego para a vida.

As novas gerações mostram-se apreensivas com o futuro, apresentam elevados níveis de stresse e ansiedade, o que se deve em grande parte à insegurança financeira atual e futura. Segundo o estudo Gen Z and Millennials Survey 2022, elaborado pela consultora Deloitte, que inquiriu mais de 20 mil jovens em 46 países, e que este ano incluiu Portugal, os jovens estão cada vez mais preocupados com o meio ambiente, demonstrando pouca confiança nas políticas que os governos e as empresas estão a tomar para combater as alterações climáticas e promover a sustentabilidade.

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Irmãos de Anadia Constroem em Bambu Bicicletas à Medida

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

Dois irmãos de Anadia decidiram investigar e explorar as propriedades do bambu, uma matéria-prima natural que lhes permitiu construir uma bicicleta "retro contemporânea", na qual a natureza é combinada com a tecnologia e através da qual se promove a mobilidade sustentável.

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Ayres de Campos. Coordenador de Urgências Admite "Possibilidade de Encerrar Maternidades”

31.07.22 | Cuca Margoux

Diogo Ayres de Campos sublinha que Portugal não consegue “formar, nem atrair médicos obstetras e ginecologistas, em tempo útil, para acudir a alguns problemas”.

O coordenador nacional da comissão de resposta em urgência de ginecologia, obstetrícia e blocos de partos defendeu o encerramento de algumas maternidades, fora do interior, deve ser analisada, para concentrar recursos e responder aos problemas.

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