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- Oxygene - The Ocean -
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- Oxygene - The Ocean -
Chemically altering the seas through iron fertilisation or alkalinity enhancement could be our best hope to suck vast amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere – but questions remain on whether it is worth the risk.
A SPRINKLING of iron ore “glued” onto rice husks using goo from plants hardly sounds like a recipe for saving the planet. Not to mention the fact that the mixture is designed to mimic whale faeces.
And yet if a team of researchers backed by a former chief scientific adviser to the UK government crack this, it could be coming to an ocean near you soon. Theirs is just one of several projects across the world, small in scale but big in vision, looking at a new way to stave off the worst effects of climate change: engineering the oceans.
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NASA’s CubeSat designed to test a unique lunar orbit is safely in space and on the first leg of its journey to the Moon. The spacecraft is heading toward an orbit intended in the future for Gateway, a lunar space station built by the agency and its commercial and international partners that will support NASA’s Artemis program, including astronaut missions.
The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, or CAPSTONE, mission launched at 5:55 a.m. EDT (09:55 UTC) on Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket from the Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on the Mahia Peninsula of New Zealand Tuesday.
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The age of polarisation: how consumers are diverging and what it means for advertising.
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How can your brand align its media spend with its values to ensure it supports publishers and platforms that produce premium content? The answer lies in forging win-win publisher partnerships based on integrity and aligning with their audience needs.
Our new “3-Minute Guide to Advertising with Integrity,” produced for Connatix, gives a clear picture of how your brand purpose and your ad targeting can work in alignment. It provides actionable advice on the benefits of working with premium publishers for brands that want to build a reputation for integrity and high standards.
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Over the years, we have been seeing many brands attack each other through advertorial campaigns or social media campaigns; this way of advertising is called “Competitive advertising” This is one of the effective ways of advertising as it grabs huge attention and it keeps the customers and viewers excited and always anticipating the next advert.
Some of the brands are known to attack each other and have launched many creative campaigns, some are in Egypt and others are global but went very viral across the world.
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The Language of Effectiveness, sponsored by Nielsen, will explore what effectiveness means to brands and the expectations expressed by senior stakeholders.
Marketing Week is launching a series of content exploring the definition of effectiveness and how it is being communicated within business.
The Language of Effectiveness, sponsored by Nielsen, will explore the definition of effectiveness and the expectations senior stakeholders have of marketing effectiveness metrics.
The series will feature analysis, news and views from some of the world’s most prominent marketing figures. Areas covered will include the distinction between marketing and advertising effectiveness, the value of ROI as a metric and how marketing can align with business outcomes.
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Investigadores de Harvard criaram um chip de computador que usa ondas de som para transmitir dados, ao invés dos modelos tradicionais que o fazem em sinais elétricos ou dos novos fotónicos, que assentam na luz.
Uma equipa de cientistas da Universidade de Harvard revela ter criado um chip de computador que modula ondas acústicas para codificar e transmitir dados. Esta é uma abordagem diferente dos chips tradicionais que fazem a transmissão por sinais elétricos e dos mais recentes chips fotónicos, que o fazem com sinais de luz. Na abordagem tradicional, o fluxo é modulado sob a forma de uns e zeros que são representados por corrente elétrica mais elevada ou mais baixa. Nos chips fotónicos, a transmissão é feita por canais mais estreitos e com recurso a fotões de luz modulados.
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Oito oradoras refletiram sobre economia, diversidade e liderança numa manhã animada no Estúdio Time Out, no Mercado da Ribeira, em Lisboa, onde a EXAME entregou também o I Prémio Girl Talk.
Que não existam dúvidas de que o poder da diversidade vai muito além da diversidade de género. A diversidade – de género, de cultura, de etnia, religião, sócio-demográfica, geracional, em suma, de caminhos e de experiências – gera valor, seja medido no contexto empresarial ou social. Infelizmente, todas elas continuam a ser tema em Portugal.
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Sob a pala do Pavilhão de Portugal, dezenas de empresas, laboratórios e associações apresentam as suas soluções para o oceano. Entre navios movidos a vento e robôs submarinos, de sismógrafos multifunções a sensores de temperatura low cost, passando por alimentação sustentável de peixe de aquacultura, eis sete propostas inovadoras na Conferência dos Oceanos, em Lisboa, que prometem ajudar a mudar o mundo.
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