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- Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You -
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- Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You -
Passear pela cidadela e visitar o que esta tem para oferecer é uma forma de aprender as tradições desta região raiana e a sua história. As máscaras e os trajes dos caretos, as lendas, a gastronomia local reinventada, tudo isto cabe nas estreitas e bonitas ruas que compõem a cidadela de Bragança.
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Lisboa foi eleita a melhor cidade para “workation”, uma nova fórmula de viagem que reúne trabalho (work) e férias (vacation).
Na era do teletrabalho, o conceito de “workation” junta a mudança de cenário e a oportunidade de relaxar fora de casa e fora do horário de trabalho, “sem ter de esgotar as férias anuais”, explica segundo o motor de alojamento Holidu, que elabora o índice.
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Aqui está um programa do outro mundo. Desvendamos alguns dos locais mais assombrados da cidade. Para evitar. Ou não.
Está alguém aí? É esta a pergunta chave da ficção de terror e uma das frases a evitar em casas assombradas da vida real (nos filmes costuma ser tiro e queda). Mais vale não arriscar, mesmo que não acredite em bruxas, porque... “que las hay, las hay”, como se costuma dizer.
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Our generation could realistically be the one to discover evidence of life beyond Earth. With this privileged potential comes responsibility. The magnitude of the question of whether we are alone in the Universe, and the public interest therein, opens the possibility that results may be taken to imply more than the observations support, or than the observers intend. As life-detection objectives become increasingly prominent in space sciences, it is essential to open a community dialogue about how to convey information in a subject matter that is diverse, complicated and has a high potential to be sensationalized.
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During the mid-twentieth century, managing the household was transformed by the mainstreaming of technological innovations such as washing machines, dishwashers and vacuum cleaners.
Perhaps in three decades from now, technology will have evolved to a level to allow humanoid robots, such as Andrew played by the late Robin Williams in the 1999 movie Bicentennial Man, to take over the household chores entirely.
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I’m turning 50 this month. As in 50 years old. As in I have finished five decades and am starting my sixth. It’s just like every other birthday except it’s halfway to 100, so it’s not like any other birthday. At all.
I thought by now I would be a) creakier b) balder c) grayer and most of all d) smarter. I thought for sure I would know what life was about at this age, but ha, no, I have only marginally more of a clue now than I did 20 years ago. Young people, don’t tell anybody I said this, but all us geezers are winging it nearly as much as you are.
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As alterações climáticas são uma conspiração? Ou o clima está sempre a mudar? Saiba por que razões tem que ser combatido o aquecimento global.
Nas vésperas da cimeira do clima das Nações Unidas, que visa aumentar a ambição do combate ao aquecimento global, a agência France Presse reuniu alguns dos argumentos usados para desacreditar o fenómeno das alterações climáticas, contrariando-os.
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Com o novo nome, o Facebook mostrou como está tanto na sua vida e como quer estar ainda mais. O que quer Zuckerberg? E, se quiser sair da Meta, o que pode fazer?
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Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31, and Halloween 2021 will occur on Sunday, October 31. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints.
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