It’s not too late to stop a future where tech monopolies are installed in your walls.
I recently moved into a new home. But before I can get settled, I have to install a tech monopoly. Is it an Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri home?
Like a growing number of American homes, mine will be a smart home. Maybe you don’t think of yours as “smart” just yet, but this year alone, America will get 100 million more connected home gadgets like talking speakers, video doorbells, learning thermostats, robot vacuums and programmable lights. The “Jetsons” life has never been closer.
The European Union's former chief Brexit negotiator, and author of “My Secret Brexit Diary”, talks to “The Economist Asks”.
MICHEL BARNIER has been on the inside track of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. He was the EU’s iron-willed chief Brexit negotiator, who spent four long—and at times acrimonious—years thrashing out a deal with a rotating cast of British counterparts.
Nearly two years after Britain ended its membership of the EU after almost half a century, a shortage of migrant workers is causing severe disruption to fuel and food deliveries, unresolved trade issues are provoking tensions on the island of Ireland and, with a fishing war breaking out in the English Channel, the arguments over the impact of Brexit feel very much alive.
Porto de Mós oferece um património natural de cenário impressionante. Conheça a Fórnea, um anfiteatro natural único que denuncia a pouca intervenção humana.
Em pleno Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, surge um recuo pronunciado em forma de anfiteatro, de uma zona baixa para dentro de um planalto calcário. A população batizou a formação natural desta depressão de Fórnea, por se assemelhar a um forno, e assim permanece até à atualidade.
The first time I solo traveled was to Argentina back in 2014. I had arrived in Buenos Aires faced with the daunting reality that I was in a new country completely alone. There wouldn’t be a welcoming party at the arrivals terminal, there wouldn’t be a companion to watch my bags, there wouldn’t be a gaggle of girlfriends to accompany me on my adventures, there wouldn’t be a boyfriend to hold my hand.
Since that first solo travel adventure in my early twenties, I have found myself wandering alone in countless countries—from Canada to Indonesia—as a seasoned traveler. I have been drawn to the concept of solo traveling, especially as a woman, because of the sheer strength, confidence, and self-reliance that comes from navigating a foreign country sans companions.
O chief executive officer (CEO) da tecnológica Unipartner fala da importância da sustentabilidade e da inovação para a empresa. São temas que os acompanham na Unipartner desde o início. «Temos a visão de crescer de forma sustentável à medida que acompanhamos e apoiamos os nossos clientes a ultrapassar os seus desafios de negócio e transformação digital», assinala.
Ecommerce is growing rapidly in B2B as well as B2C brands but is still not the norm, so what’s the right model for customers as well as colleagues in sales and across the business?
For anyone working in B2B sales and marketing for the last 18 months, it’s a statement of the obvious that buyer behaviour has significantly changed as a result of the pandemic.
Mais de um ano e meio depois da chegada da pandemia a Portugal, não restam dúvidas de que houve mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores a nível global e os portugueses não foram excepção. Daí que – salientou esta manhã Andreia Carvalho, Client director & Expert Solutions da Kantar Portugal no webinar “Bipolaridade dos consumidores: Pandemia e agora?” – nesta fase, seja possível separar os consumidores em cinco clusters em função de quatro grandes dimensões: preocupação com o coronavírus Covid-19, situação económica actual do lar, situação económica futura do lar e nível de optimismo.
O fenómeno poderá estar intrinsecamente ligado às alterações climáticas e com os derretimentos dos glaciares.
A montanha mais alta da europa parece estar a encolher. Especialistas franceses dizem terem medido o Monte Branco quase um metro abaixo da sua altura oficial, publicada em 2017.
Depois de uma expedição no mês de Setembro, a montanha tinha 4.807.81 metros de altura – um valor menor do que os 4.808.72 metros medidos há quatro anos.