When you (or your board members) think about thriving in a digital world, you probably think first about technology. It’s evolving so fast that your business constantly has to adapt. But the greatest challenge is not the tech itself: It’s developing a knowledgeable, strategically adept, cognitively flexible, and proficient workforce. You want people who can command artificial intelligence, analyze data, invent and apply solutions on the fly, and slide effortlessly into new roles as needed. All the while, they should keep their skills sharp with mobile apps and online self-taught courses. Ideas should flow from all corners of the company, whether from full-time managers or a pool of gig workers who jump in when work heats up.
As we continue to burn vast amounts of fossil fuels, a group of scientists has said that humans have never lived on Earth with such high concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, in what they describe as an experiment "on ourselves."
For a study published in the journal Nature Communications, a team from Texas A&M University and Nanjing University, China, has shown that for the entire Pleistocene era (2.58 million to 11,700 years ago)—during which the majority of evolution in our group of species, Homo, took place—the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere averaged about 250 parts per million.
From nine till five, I have to spend my time at work,” warbled Martha and the Muffins back in 1980. “My job is very boring, I’m an office clerk.” Many of the hundreds of millions of people who trek into an office will feel as despondent at the prospect as Martha did. The office needs a revamp (see article). But the crisis at WeWork, a trendy office-rental firm whose boss, Adam Neumann, stepped down this week after its attempt to float its shares turned into a debacle, shows that businesses are still struggling to come up with a new format.
Researchers from the laboratory of Aaron W. James, associate professor of pathology, recently approached Scot Kuo with a seemingly intractable problem. The team was investigating how broken bones heal and needed to image bone and muscle tissue within the leg of a live mouse. The mouse's leg would be bathed in saline solution, however, and none of the microscope technologies with which the researchers were familiar would work in such a wet, messy environment.
Kuo and his team quickly came to the rescue, 3D-printing a special trough to hold both the mouse's limb and the surrounding saline solution. They also provided a high-resolution microscope equipped with a specialized objective lens that could be dipped directly into the liquid.
Did early human inventions—bows and arrows, houses, kayaks—result from innate smarts that bested the intelligence of chimps, lions and other species? Or did these artifacts arise from a gradual accretion of knowledge—tiny modifications over innumerable generations that constitute the passing along of collective cultural wisdom? Such shared information would not necessarily require individuals to gain a basic understanding of the physical workings of the slowly evolving technologies.
Os cientistas confirmaram pela primeira vez que as bactérias podem mudar de forma para evitar serem detetadas por antibióticos no corpo humano.
Ao estudar amostras de pacientes mais velhos com infeções urinárias recorrentes, uma equipa de investigadores da Universidade de Newcastle, no Reino Unido, conseguiu identificar o mecanismo que está na origem da resistência que as bactérias criam aos antibióticos - e que tem a ver com a capacidade de perder a sua parede celular, o alvo comum de muitos grupos daqueles medicamentos.
A Amazon quer estar na linha da frente no processo de criação de leis para a tecnologia de reconhecimento facial e pretende entregar um conjunto de propostas aos legisladores americanos. De acordo com a publicação Vox, Jeff Bezos, diretor-executivo da empresa, fez o anúncio público nesta semana, depois do evento de hardware realizado pela tecnológica.
«A nossa equipa legal está a trabalhar numa regulamentação que possa ser aplicada à tecnologia de reconhecimento facial. Faz sentido regulá-la», disse o CEO da gigante americana, que em fevereiro deste ano tinha já dado a conhecer uma proposta de “guia” de uso responsável da tecnologia de reconhecimento facial.
O ministro das Finanças adianta que o pacote de 400 milhões de euros disponíveis para o corte nos impostos, sobretudo no IRS, deverá ser colocado em prática através do aumento dos escalões.
Mário Centeno diz que a redução de impostos prometida pelo Partido Socialista no seu programa eleitoral tem uma margem orçamental de 400 milhões de euros e que deverá concretizar-se através do aumento do número de escalões de IRS.
Em entrevista à agência Lusa, o ministro das Finanças indicou que, do pacote de 400 milhões de euros disponíveis para redução de impostos fala-se, “em particular, do desagravamento do Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares (IRS)”, que deverá ser colocado em prática através do aumento dos escalões.