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- Abba - Thank You For The Music -
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- Abba - Thank You For The Music -
China and Canada, squabbling over the arrests of their citizens, have both claimed the other to be in breach of diplomatic rules.
À boleia das novas tecnologias, da robotização, dos novos desafios demográficos e até das alterações climáticas, atransformação do mercado do trabalho passou de hipótese a certeza. A conclusão é Organização Mundial do Trabalho (OIT), que pede, por isso, aos líderes mundiais que zelem pela proteção dos trabalhadores. “As novas forças estão a transformar o mundo do trabalho. Essas transições envolvem ações decisivas“, defende a agência das Nações Unidas, no seu relatório “Trabalhar Para um Futuro Mais Promissor”, divulgado esta terça-feira.
“Há inúmeras oportunidades no horizonte para melhorar a qualidade do trabalho, alargar as escolhas, diminuir o fosso salarial entre géneros e reverter os danos causados pela desigualdade global. Sem uma ação decisiva vamos ficar sonâmbulos num mundo onde se registará o agravamento das desigualdades e incertezas já existentes”, sublinha a OIT, que deixa múltiplas recomendações (divididas em três pilares: Investir no trabalho digno, nas pessoas e nas instituições) aos primeiros-ministros, presidentes, enfim líderes de todo o mundo.
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Quando, em abril, se iniciar a entrega da declaração anual do IRS, todos os contribuintes que no ano passado tenham tido rendimentos das categorias A e H podem optar pela entrega automática.
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Flatsharers are using apps to smooth out the tensions of shared living, split the bills and find ideal flatmates.
By all rights, Douglas Prasher should have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of a glowing jellyfish protein that is extensively used today in biomedical research. The prize went to three other scientists. He heard about it on the radio one day in 2006 as he got ready for his job as a courtesy van driver for a Toyota dealership in Huntsville, Ala.
Government-mandated reporting of gender pay discrepancies has been a subject of much debate in the last 5-10 years. Those arguing for legislation to require such reporting say that it will help to address the persistent gender wage gap. Opponents insist that not only is that unlikely; it will also increase companies’ administrative burden and decrease profits. Until recently there has been no strong evidence to support either side.
With almost 70% market share, Chrome has well and truly won the web browser war. A crucial factor behind this is Google GOOGL +0.49%’s commitment to seamless updates and improvements, but now the company has admitted Chrome’s next major upgrade has an unavoidable nasty surprise…
With Rapid DNA machines, genetic fingerprinting could become as routine as the old-fashioned kind. But forensic experts see a potential for misuse.
BENSALEM, Pa. — They call it the “magic box.” Its trick is speedy, nearly automated processing of DNA.
“It’s groundbreaking to have it in the police department,” said Detective Glenn Vandegrift of the Bensalem Police Department. “If we can do it, any department in the country can do it.”
Bensalem, a suburb in Bucks County, near Philadelphia, is on the leading edge of a revolution in how crimes are solved. For years, when police wanted to learn whether a suspect’s DNA matched previously collected crime-scene DNA, they sent a sample to an outside lab, then waited a month or more for results.
Bioquímico português participa num projecto que aplicou uma nova técnica de fertilização in vitro – que usa material genético da mãe, do pai e de uma dadora – para resolver problemas de infertilidade de uma mulher.
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