Do rossio ao mercado, do bairro da beira-mar à principal avenida da cidade, Aveiro entrou pela primeira vez na Rota de Tapas, circuito com petiscos à mesa feitos por restaurantes que se orgulham da sua cozinha e que têm brio em manusear iguarias locais. A rota, patrocinada pela cerveja Estrella Damm, de malte e arroz, produzida em Barcelona, tem 155 tapas em sete cidades até 10 de junho. E regressa em meados de setembro para mais voltinhas.
Por toda a Europa, ano após ano, os festivais de música atraem milhares de viajantes. Apesar de uns serem mais populares do que outros, os que são menos conhecidos têm também grande qualidade. Não precisa de pagar muito, nem de procurar loucamente por bilhetes, para uma experiência única.
Once there was a mutant worm in an experiment. It lived for 46 days. This was much longer than the oldest normal worm, which lived just 22.
Researchers identified the mutated gene that had lengthened the worm’s life, which led to a breakthrough in the study of aging — it seemed to be controlled by metabolic processes. Later, as researchers studied these processes, all signs seemed to point to the nucleolus.
By renouncing military contracts, Google could catalyze a much-needed discussion about how the U.S. and other nations can move beyond militarism.
Can a war that kills the innocent be just? In March 2017 a U.S.-led air strike killed 200 civilians in a school in Mansoura, Syria, according to a United Nations report. The watchdog group estimates that U.S.-coalition attacks have killed at least 6,259 civilians since anti-ISIS operations began in 2014.
Leaders who listen and engage in open dialogue with their employees gain enormous advantages. Yet, in practice, leaders sometimes hesitate to invite such dialogue, fearing their employees’ opinions will be off-base. Rather than face a confrontation, these managers sidestep important conversations altogether.
Did you know that you can create miracles? Yes, that’s right. You can create miracles. In fact, our main purpose on this planet is to create miracles. Keep in mind that sometimes a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perception. It’s looking at something where at one point seems absolutely impossible to achieve, then with a shift in the way that you’re thinking, that impossibility suddenly becomes very possible.