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A Esquina do Desencontro

Histórias de Desencontros Ficcionais (ou Não) na Esquina da Vida

Bloomberg - “Portugal Lançava Navios, agora Lança Start-ups”

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

A Bloomberg volta a olhar para o ecossistema nacional de empreendedorismo. Isto numa altura em que "um encontro de várias forças está a levar os empreendedores a construírem as suas empresas" em Portugal. Mas alerta que "o verdadeiro teste" será dentro de alguns anos.

por Ana Laranjeiro, ler mais em 

Women Writers, Women's Books

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

We are an online literary magazine by and about contemporary women writers from around the world. Women Writers, Women’s Books was launched in 2011 to be another platform for contemporary women writers and authors around the world writing in English.

Our mission is to encourage and promote the visibility of women writers. We are particularly interested in the edges, the intersections between genres, nationalities, languages, arts, cultures.


A Better Way to Predict Arrhythmia

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

The cells in the human heart are connected electrically, and the resulting synchronous behavior produces phenomena that have long fascinated Natalia Trayanova. Not all of these phenomena are beneficial, however, and Trayanova, a professor of biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins, has been studying one that's particularly harmful: arrhythmia. Sudden cardiac death is a leading killer in the industrialized world, and arrhythmias, or abnormal heart rhythms, cause a large proportion of those deaths, according to the American Heart Association journalCirculation. "If you want to make an impact," working in this area of cardiac research "is a place where the impact would be really large," Trayanova says. "That's what I really like."

by Christina Cooke,

The Best Ways Your Organization Can Support Working Parents

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

Unlimited leave. Executive coaches for new mothers. Food takeout vouchers. “Flying nannies” who join their executive employers on business trips. In their efforts to do the right thing and woo talent, organizations of all kinds are reaching for headline-grabbing solutions. But what if your organization can’toffer glossy, cutting-edge benefits? What if they’re too costly, don’t work structurally, fly in the face of your corporate culture — or don’t have senior management’s support?

by Daisy Dowling,

Empresários Portugueses Mais Optimistas

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

Um estudo global da Sage revela que 82% dos empresários portugueses acredita que o seu volume de negócios se vai manter ou crescer em 2017. Os inquiridos, de 20 países, responderam ainda sobre tendências, desafios, políticas e preocupações económicas com impacto nos seus negócios.

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DIT Business Awards - Empresas Portuguesas Distinguidas

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

Os DIT Business Awards, promovido pelo Department for International Trade, distinguiram 11 empresas portuguesas que investiram no Reino Unido, no último ano. O evento pretende homenagear o desempenho de empresas que “celebram as relações bilaterais estratégicas de comércio e investimento” entre o Reino Unido e Portugal, segundo é explicado em comunicado.

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5 Competências Fundamentais Num Community Manager

01.02.17 | Cuca Margoux

Um gestor de comunidades, ou “community manager”, não é apenas uma pessoa que passa o seu tempo a fazer publicações no Facebook e Twitter. Porém, consciente de que esta é a percepção que algumas empresas têm desta profissão, a IMF Business School reuniu as cinco principais funções destes responsáveis. 

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