Os caretos representam imagens diabólicas e misteriosas que todos os anos, desde épocas que se perdem no tempo, saem à rua nas festividades carnavalescas de Podence - Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal.
Le Carnaval des animaux, magnifique exercice de style, a été composé par Camille Saint-Saëns au tout début de l'année 1886 (sa mère meurt quelques mois plus tard), après une tournée à Berlin, Cassel, Prague, qui ne s'est pas toujours bien passée en raison de son antiwagnérisme virulent.
Il se détend dans un village proche de Vienne en Autriche, et boucle ce chef-d'œuvre de musique et d'humour en quelques jours.
Sunday night's 89th Academy Awards were marred by one major mistake: The erroneous announcement of La La Land as Best Picture overMoonlight.
In the final category of the evening, presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway incorrectly called it for the Damian Chazelle-directed movie-musical. Beatty opened the envelope and paused before passing it to Dunaway, who declared La La Land the winner of Best Picture.
by Natalie Robehmed, read more in www.forbes.com/sites
Snap Inc. is close to selling shares to the public for the first time. The company, known for its wildly popular Snapchat app, is expected to raise around $3 billion and be valued in the ballpark of $25 billion. Snap only started running ads in late 2014, producing just $404 million of revenue last year. If a price-to-sales ratio above 60 doesn't scare you away, here are two more reasons to stay far away from this hyped-up IPO.
Calvin Coffey, a professor of surgery at the University of Limerick in Ireland, has a world of gadgetry, scientific equipment and medical tests at his disposal.
Recently, he added another tool: social media.
During a monthslong project to prove that the mesentery — folded tissue that connects the intestines to the wall of the abdomen — was in fact a human organ, Professor Coffey regularly turned to his followers on ResearchGate, a free Facebook-style social network aimed solely at scientists worldwide, for tips and suggestions on where his four-person team should focus their research.
by Mark Scott, read more in www.nytimes.com/technology
Das 17 cotadas que compõem actualmente o PSI-20, apenas cinco têm mulheres nas suas comissões executivas. Num total de 82 gestores, só oito são do sexo feminino. Conheça quais.
O Parque Ambiental do Buçaquinho, entre Esmoriz e Cortegaça, tem seis lagoas, jardim de plantas aromáticas, parque infantil, 24 hectares de verde. Um exemplo de sustentabilidade reconhecido com um prémio dos Green Project Awards 2016 na categoria de «Cidades Sustentáveis».
O evento gastronómico realizar-se-à em Porches, no Algarve, de 15 a 20 de Maio.
O programa do Fine Wines & Food Fair inclui cinco jantares e um almoço, todos exclusivos, que vão acontecer nos restaurantes Atlântico e Ocean, de duas estrelas Michelin, do Vila Vita Parc, bem como no Restaurante Praia Dourada, em Armação de Pêra.